Stadtsalat owns and runs quick-service restaurants with online ordering and delivery. It has retail outlets all around Germany.The firm was founded in 2016 and is based in Hamburg, Germany. As a sustainably thinking and acting food company with city locations in Hamburg, Berlin, and Frankfurt am Main, Stadtsalat provides delightful and healthy cuisine of first-class premium quality. Every item, whether a bowl, salad, or dessert, is completely natural and additive-free. A fresh menu is prepared four times a year to match with the season, with a focus on regionality and seasonality, as well as a diverse range of carefully selected ingredients. Stadtsalat is for anyone who wants to eat mindfully and without guilt.
Yes, Stadtsalat offers takeaway services.
Yes, Stadtsalat offers delivery services.
Yes, Stadtsalat is taking precautions against COVID-19. A full list is available within the "safety precautions" section of this page.